Wants vs Needs of Major Home Improvement Projects

Wants vs. Needs for Home Improvement Projects

The Differing Perspectives

In most cases, needs for home improvement projects differ from the needs of the building industry. Not to say the Homeowner isn’t aware of the requirements, but they may overlook some of the requirements upheld by law. Sometimes a homeowner’s wants may also get confused with a need. It’s important we understand the wants vs needs of home improvement projects.

What Do Homeowners Want?

What drives homeowners to web sites for their remodeling projects? Who, What and Why do homeowners search for remodeling and building services on web sites? What will HIBO services look like in a homeowners search for services? Are homeowners searching for something they Want, Need or both ?

Many years ago, while attending sales courses for a sale position, I became aware of the distinct difference in what a Homeowner WANTS and what a Homeowner NEEDS.

The Needs Of A Homeowner

Needs are associated with events or products that are in need of being fixed, repaired or replaced (I.E. A Plumber to fix a leaking pipe, repair or replace a broken fixture; or A Roofer to fix a leaking roof, repair or replace worn out shingles). In these cases, the needs are easier to sell and easier to price for an emergency or an urgency.

However, the need, or so called need, to add more space to a home or to upgrade and remodel living conditions can become cost driven by adding in the wants. Improving an existing living space or to remedy an existing condition starts to balance the wants with the needs, and therefore can become more challenging to price and sell.

The Building Industry/Contractors, have a very different way of addressing the needs of a project. Contractors must meet or exceed the needs of the National and Local Building Codes and Industry Standards for projects that require a General Building Permit and performed by a Licensed Contractor or Provider.  All of which are not only needed, but required.

Any permit driven project will need to meet the Codes and Standards. There are NO wants in the building process of the Contractor/Vendor.

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The Wants From A Homeowner

The Homeowner decides on the wants of their project (I.E. Bath and Kitchen fixtures, appliances, cabinets, finishes, materials, floorings, tiles, lighting etc.). All of these wanted items can be classed as a need but mostly, they are not all required to meet Regulated Code or Standards.

The wants are driven mostly by the owner’s choices of quality and value in their investment in their home or an investor in a home for resale to a higher price buyer. These prices are basically driven by 1 of 3 choices (Good, Better, Best); and are decided by the owner’s personal preference and the affordability/remaining budget.

The Industry’s Needs For Home Improvement Projects

Building Permit Plans are driven by the needs of Codes & some Standards. Therefore all materials required and needed in a plan, must be by Code as well. The installers and vendors operate on a needs basis of what the Local or National Licensing Requirements are in specific Zip Code and certain individual jurisdictions.

HIBO will help all homeowners and/or investors, understand what needs mean to the costs of the project. While also helping them to understand that a certain part/percentage, of the overall costs of a project are driven 1st by addressing the project’s needs, and also driven by National Building Codes.


The HIBO tool will inform buyers that there is a distinct and an important difference between the above needs and an Owner or Investors investments in their wants. Be reminded, there are NO  choices of Good, Better or Best in the Building Codes required in structural materials. There may be some price differences in code materials, but they cannot be compromised in Code Requirements.